Wednesday, May 6, 2020

We Are No Longer Slaves, But We Sure Aren t Free ! Essay

â€Å"We are no longer slaves, but we sure aren’t free!† (Pat’s Justice) I heard this line in a poem by African-American poet, Pat’s Justice, discussing racial inequality and injustice he had faced growing up in an unprivileged neighborhood. Racism and discrimination remains to pierce through the skin of many throughout the globe. Generations of immigrants and their children whom are citizens still feel unwanted in the United States. People to this day have faced ignorance because of the pigmentation of their skin and their ethnical backgrounds despite a growth in cultural diversity. Born and raised in California, I still deal with social issues from peers because of the color of my skin and my religious beliefs. Inspired by the marvelous works of Martin Luther King Jr., I chose to analyze his speech: â€Å"I Have a Dream.† Racism and discrimination from beyond the times of the Civil Rights Movement in 1954-1968 are relevant today. Hence, his rhetor ical speech continues to inspire and touch many people today. â€Å"[B]orn in Atlanta, Georgia, on January 15th, 1929, King grew up to become both a Baptist Minister and civil rights activist despite the obstacles he faced growing up.† (Davis) Although they were liberated by the thirteenth amendment in 1865, African-Americans were treated as second class citizens and faced racial stratification. Blacks and whites were segregated producing lack of simple racial equality. A black doctor would proceed to sit in the back of the bus regardless ofShow MoreRelatedSlavery Justified By George Fitzhugh1728 Words   |  7 Pages New inventions, such as the Cotton Gin, and the production capabilities that came with those inventions, made plantations a very lucrative business, with enough manpower. This led to the growth of slavery. Why pay workers when you can just buy a slave that is forced to work for you? 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