Sunday, December 29, 2019

Teaching Methods For Various Purposes - 1588 Words

0.1. Counselling have been using the case study methods for various purposes such as documenting, evaluating and disseminating new approaches to therapy; contributing to public understanding of counselling; the development of theory; drawing attention to critical issues and areas of practice; extending and enhancing the interpretability of large-scale outcome studies; and training (McLeod, 2010). For the current case study, I have chosen a somewhat challenging case, which has contributed a lot to my practical and theoretical learning. This case study is divided into following sections: Case context, the client, the therapeutic process, evaluation of change, and conclusion. 1. Case Context 1.1. I have been working with this client at the†¦show more content†¦All the client’s quotes from HAT are given in Appendix-2. Beginning phase (Sessions 1 – 4) 3.2. I have divided this phase into first 4 sessions because it is in the 4th session that the client seemed to develop trust and move on in the therapy. As suggested by Mearns and Thorne (2013) that the ‘beginning’ phase of the counselling process involves the client developing sufficient trust in the counsellor and the relationship to start exploring the previously feared edges of his awareness. Client’s Process 3.3. In the first 3 sessions, Tom spoke about various things including his problem of hoarding and different aspects of his self-concept. In the first session, he spoke about his self-concept of a Narcissist in a retrospective manner that during his teenage years he used to think that he is perfect and there is no one like him. According to Tom, his actual self is a Narcissist whereas his ideal self would be someone who can accept people unconditionally. This incongruence was so important to him that he mentioned it as the most helpful aspect of this session (Qoute-1). This also indicated towards his struggle to accept himself. In these sessions, Tom also spoke about his different configurations which include a self who wants to control other people’s behaviours and is jealous of happy and beautiful people. There was another self who is charming and eloquent and helps him socialise with people hiding thisShow MoreRelatedThe Overall Evaluation / Research Strategy Or Design?1543 Words   |  7 PagesSection 1: Action Research What is the overall evaluation/research strategy or design? The article that was selected is, â€Å"Assessing the impact of a year-long faculty development program on faculty approaches to teaching†, by Light, Calkins, Luna, Drane (2009). The design is action research. Why is this type of strategy or design selected for this study? 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Friday, December 20, 2019

Compare Contrast Essay - 1519 Words

Ancient Egypt and Ancient Mesopotamia: A Compare and Contrast Essay Com/170 Ancient Egypt and Ancient Mesopotamia: A Compare and Contrast Essay Ancient Egypt, known as â€Å"The Gift of the Nile,† and ancient Mesopotamia, known as the land â€Å"Between the Rivers,† were the first two civilizations developed by mankind. Not only this is a double-negative that you do not need.] These were they the first civilizations to form, andbut they were also the first river-valley civilizations using the nearby river(s) [redundant – if they are the first river valley civilizations, then aren’t they near a river?] for their benefit. Ancient Egypt was birthed around 3100 B.C., and was based in the northern part of Africa. Ancient Mesopotamia came†¦show more content†¦A king could easily be overthrown in a city-state if he were to be conquered, which happened more times than naught. The ancient Egyptians and ancient Mesopotamians developed major social class structures. Egyptians separated their classes into five tiers, with the god-king at the top, followed by upper class, middle class, lower class, and the slave class at the bottom. The Sumerians only had four, beginning with the elites or nobles, followed by the commoners, free commoners, and then the slave class. [This is the type of information that is not common knowledge. If you asked someone to list the five tiers of Egyptian civilization, they would not know.] The pharaohs of Egypt believed they had a responsibility to uphold the laws of the Creator, or Ma’at, for the people they governed. Ma’at was the [typeface change --- concept of truth, balance, order, law, morality, and justice. The Sumerian kings felt they held the responsibility of expansionism for their people because of their geographical locations. Art, Architecture, and Written Form The Egyptians worshipped their pharaohs as gods on Earth, and portrayed them, along with the other gods, in artwork. They depicted their gods as humans or half-human half-animal creatures. The Sumerians illustrated their gods as animals, each individual god having a single animal as their counterpart. Architecture was a major component for both civilizations, though Egypt’s structures are still renownedShow MoreRelatedCompare and Contrast1441 Words   |  6 PagesThe Compare/ Contrast Essay First, let’s explain compare and contrast: When we compare, we show our readers a subjects similarities. When we contrast, we show our readers a subjects differences. Compare and Contrast essays are learning-process essays. You learn about your subject as you gather and organize information. This type of essay takes a bit of organization, and its this organizational process, this gathering of facts, that helps you learn as you go. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Speech on diabetes free essay sample

My presentation is on diabetes. Does anyone know anything about at all about diabetes? It is estimated that more than one in 20 people in the UK has diabetes (diagnosed or undiagnosed) and the number of people diagnosed with diabetes has increased from 1. 4 million to 2. 9 million since 1996. Around 85% of people with diabetes have Type 2 diabetes, because of our ageing population and rapidly increase of overweight and obese people. What is diabetes? Diabetes is a lifelong condition that causes a persons blood sugar level to become too high. This is because of insulin deficiency. Insulin is a hormone produced by your pancreas which controls the amount of glucose in your blood. When someone takes in carbohydrates, it is broken down into glucose which goes into the blood. Insulin allows glucose from the blood into your body cells where it is converted into energy. If someone has diabetes, they lack insulin or their body is resistant to insulin so the glucose in the blood can’t get into the body cells for energy. We will write a custom essay sample on Speech on diabetes or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page So every time the person eats food containing carbohydrates, glucose stays in the bloodstream and the blood glucose levels may rise dangerously. Differences between Type 1 and 2 There are two types of diabetes. Type one and type two. Type 1 is genetic whereas type 2 is developed by lifestyle, for example obesity. Type 1 is most commonly found in childhood and type 2 generally developed in adults over 40. There is Type 1 diabetes which is where no insulin is produced as the body destroys the insulin producing cells and Type 2 which is where either not enough insulin is produced, or your body is unable to use the insulin that is produced. Why is it that the rate of diabetes has grown so much recently? Globalization and economic development have affected the number of people with diabetes because of nutritional shifts. These typically involve increased consumption of animal fat and energy-dense foods, decreased fibre, and more frequent intake of fast foods. In many Asian countries, risk of diabetes has increase because of eating polished white rice and refined wheat. Consumption of brown rice, a whole grain, protects against the disease. South Asians and Indians are more at risk of diabetes because of their way of cooking because they use vegetable and animal ghee which has extremely high trans fatty acid which is associated with increased risk. Greater consumption of cereal fibre and polyunsaturated fat is associated with decreased risk. Symptoms to look for? People with undiagnosed diabetes may have several symptoms. Urinating frequently – this is because when their blood glucose levels rise too high, their body tries to lower the glucose levels through the kidneys. This also takes a lot of water with it, causing the person to feel thirsty. The glucose can’t be used in body cells to produce energy so it causes their body to start breaking down its fat stores for energy which leads to weight loss. This isn’t enough energy for their body, causing them to feel tired. The prevalence of depression is approximately twice as high in people with diabetes as it is in the general population. Helps and Preventions Although diabetes cannot be cured, once it is diagnosed, it can be successfully treated. In the case of people who have non-insulin-dependent diabetes, by eating healthily and losing the weight that triggered the pancreas to falter in the first place, the pancreas is often able to resume its normal duties efficiently and the symptoms disappear. If it is type 1 diabetes and all of the insulin producing cells have been destroyed, they are fully dependant on insulin injections. If diabetes has been controlled well the risk of developing diabetes complications like heart disease, stroke, blindness and kidney failure are much lower. But this doesnt mean that their diabetes has gone away. If it is poorly controlled, it can damage your nerves, muscles, sweat glands and circulation in the feet and legs leading to amputations. Up to 70 per cent of people die within five years of having an amputation as a result of diabetes. Conclusion s Obesity accounts for 80–85 per cent of the overall risk of developing Type 2 diabetes. The risk in developing diabetes type 1 depends on who in your family has diabetes. If the mother has diabetes there is a 2% chance of developing diabetes type 1, if the father has it there’s an 8% of developing it and if both parents have it there’s a 30% chance. It is good to have a proper lifestyle –eat properly, exercise. Just don’t eat foods that are full of simple sugars, trans fats or animal fats and you won’t develop Type 2. If you have already Type 1 – regular insulin injections, eating properly, exercise and stress management will help.